CULTURAL IMAGES in Portland, Oregon deals in a variety of 19th and 20th century ephemera. Our inventory is comprised of Americana and Western Americana in the form of manuscripts, broadsides, circulars, travel and land promotion brochures and pamphlets, booklets, product catalogs, vintage photographs and postcards, trade cards, maps, posters, postal history, regional history, and a variety of other printed materials, including POSTER STAMPS! Like poster stamps, much of our inventory is graphic and reflects various periods of printing and typography.
We do not have a website, but do list items on ABE and Ebay. We issue occasional illustrated e-Lists. We are open by appointment and welcome visitors! You may contact us, Glenn and Judith Mason, by phone (503-297-5892 or cell 503-939-6090) or email ( CULTURAL IMAGES, in business since 1999, is a member of the ABAA and The Ephemera Society of America.