Reklamemarken: A New Disease

The following is a translation of a German newspaper article from Hannover, the Hannoverischer Courier, in 1912. It is certainly a bit tongue-in-cheek, most especially at the end, where the narrator uses the terminology of the financial stock markets to describe the action in Poster Stamp buying and selling. Parody or not, during the fad for Poster Stamps in the [...]

May Day Poster Stamps from Denmark

May Day in Sønderburg, Denmark In keeping with this month's theme of "mostly politics" for the bulletin, and my love for those fancy little ø's, here is søme inførmatiøn abøut a series øf stamps for May 1st from Sønderburg, Denmark. Sønderburg is a small port town on the southeast side of Denmark, so it is surprising that a May Day [...]

Czeslaw Slania Master Engraver

Boxing and More Ray Petersen has generously sent in his latest production, about Czeslaw Slania. In keeping with this month's sports theme for the bulletin, a large set of "world champion" boxer portraits are the key part. Slania was prominent as one of the most prolific artist engravers of postage stamps, but it is less known that he produced poster [...]

Catalog Addition: Linprint Catalog of Philatelic Labels

New Library Addition We have a new addition to the PSCC Library: Linprint Catalog of Philatelic Labels written by George Ward Linn, published by Linprint Incorporated (Linn's own company) in 1940. The catalog covers only the United States, poster stamps that either promote stamp clubs or the events of those clubs. Linn PhilLabels Catalog There are only 36 black & [...]

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