New Library Addition

We have a new addition to the PSCC Library: Linprint Catalog of Philatelic Labels written by George Ward Linn, published by Linprint Incorporated (Linn’s own company) in 1940. The catalog covers only the United States, poster stamps that either promote stamp clubs or the events of those clubs.

Linn PhilLabels Catalog

There are only 36 black & white pages, shown two at a time. For a limited time, we are showing it here so that both members and non-members can all take a quick look at this booklet; it is of interest mostly as an historical record. We hope you will peruse the comments of editor George Linn and dealer advertisements of long ago, also. The prices may appear incredibly low now, but correct for inflation by multiplying by a factor of 22.

The catalog shows that the vast majority of the labels of this topic were made in the 1930’s; in spite of the Depression this was a period of excitement about collecting stamps, participating in stamp clubs, and collecting poster stamps as part of the hobby. Below are 3 examples of a local, a national and a state club issue.

–T. Minor

1936 New Orleans block of 4, #1 page 5.

1933 APS at Chicago World’s Fair, #24-27

1938 Oklahoma Phil. Soc. #7 page 21

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